S1E0: Introducing The Flip

Introducing The Flip - an editorial-style podcast exploring contextually relevant insights from entrepreneurs and investors changing the status quo in Africa.
The name The Flip comes from the opportunity to flip the script – question some of the pervasive narratives on entrepreneurship, challenge the ubiquity of Silicon Valley thought leadership, and champion the entrepreneurs building a future inspired by Africa.
Produced and hosted by Johannesburg-based entrepreneur and American expat Justin Norman. Sayo Folawiyo is the executive producer and b-mic.
- Tine Fisker Henriksen–Innovative Finance Lead,Bertha Centre for Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship
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Sayo [00:00]: I see it as opportunity. There's so much stuff to do, so much stuff to fix, so much like - we're pushing.
Marcello [00:10]: You actually have an advantage at understanding the emerging markets world, and the emerging markets world is currently about 5 billion people out of the 7 in the world.
Vimbayi [00:19]: I learned very fast that this is not a pitch for everyone.
Maya [00:23]: We are of the belief that billion dollar innovations will continue to come out of Africa.
Justin [00:34]: Of all the pervasive narratives entrepreneurship in Africa, one that's most pervasive is that it's an especially difficult environment to operate in - given all of its complexities. Whether or not it's true - doesn't that make the ecosystem much more exciting and more remarkable? Doesn't that make the people solving problems worth listening to and learning from? And don't gaps show that there's an incredible amount of opportunity worth exploring? I think so.
My name is Justin Norman, I'm an American expat living in Johannesburg, South Africa, and your host of a new show, The Flip.
So much of the content around entrepreneurship comes from the west, and from Silicon Valley especially, but I've learned it's not always very relevant or applicable to the African context. So I'm on a mission to learn from those around the continent who are doing the work, and whose stories and insights serve as both inspiration and value for other entrepreneurs or investors.
We're here to flip the script - by exploring more contextually relevant stories and insights from around the continent.
In this season of The Flip, we'll talk to founders of amazing social enterprises.
Joanna [01:33]: Social businesses do not have straightforward business models, right? You have to be creative if you're selling products to some of the poorest people in the world.
Justin [01:42]: We'll learn from entrepreneurs solving specifically local problems.
Kennedy [01:46]: I proposed this to Google to name streets in Nairobi.
Justin [01:49]: We'll hear from venture capitalists on the state of the ecosystem.
Justin S. [01:51]: It's grown on an exponential curve.It's not as easy or as luxurious as it is on the west coast of the US but that's what makes it interesting.
Justin [02:01]: And we'll explore the topics of innovative finance and impact investing.
Tine [02:04]: How do we do sustainable funds management models on the continent if we're not necessarily going to take a 2 and 20 approach?
Justin [02:13]: What are the new narratives? What themes emerge, when taking a pan-African lens? And, what can the rest of the world learn from Africa? In this show we'll explore these questions, and many more.
This is The Flip. We'll see you soon.
VO: Listen and subscribe on your favorite podcast app or on our website the flip dot africa. That's the flip dot africa.